
President Obama and the Democratic Congress have inherited the worst economic crisis in generations and are confronting a Republican deficit created by years of irresponsible spending and misplaced priorities. Under the previous Administration, Americans saw their dreams of prosperity and security undermined by a government that has ignored the middle class at the behest of special interests, adopted reckless fiscal policies, and failed to protect consumers, investors and the economy.

As soon as President Obama was sworn in and the 111th Congress was convened, the Democratic Congress passed the Recovery Act, an extraordinary effort to rescue, rebuild, and strengthen our struggling economy. Already, with almost 40 percent of the dollars yet to be spent, the recovery package has provided for more than one million jobs and the rate of job loss has slowed significantly.

Democrats understand, however, that for many American families, the economic recovery simply is not yet a part of their day-to-day reality. Building on the foundation laid by the investments in the Recovery Act, Democrats are committed to ensuring that more American families begin to feel the impact of the recovery through increased job opportunities, additional tax cuts, and increased confidence in the continuing growth of our economy. Throughout the year, Senate Democrats will offer job creation legislation that will support small businesses, protect public service jobs, encourage enhanced energy efficiency, and rebuild our nation's infrastructure. Senate Democrats are on the side of American workers and American families. We understand that Americans are ready and willing to participate in our economic recovery and contribute to the growth and prosperity of our nation.

DPC Videos on the Economy

  • Senator Baucus on Extending Unemployment Benefits
  • Senator Stabenow on Extending Unemployment Benefits
  • Senator Durbin on Extending Unemployment Benefits
  • Senator Murray on Extending Unemployment Benefits
  • Senator Landrieu on Promoting Small Business
  • Senator Dorgan on the Economy
  • Senator Landrieu on Supporting Small Businesses
  • Senator Durbin on Protecting Teachers' Jobs
  • Senator Murray on Promoting Job Growth
  • Senator Schumer on Promoting Job Growth

Selected DPC Reports on the Economy

Democratic Policy Committee
419 Hart Senate Office Building Wash. D.C. 20510 (202-224-3232)